Sunday, October 27, 2013

This photo was taken on a concert of Hillsong United. You can see how the color cyan protrudes the drum kit and not the drummer.

This photo is pretty cool, because you can see difference reflection of the sun. You can se the sun reflecting on the wing of the plane and on the drops of the rain.  Also the sky have difference colors.

In this photo you can see how the difference intensities protrudes the colors in the front. Also can see the white color in the sky.

In this photo you can see difference colors created by the sun. You can see red, yellow, white, amber, and grey. Also, you can see different intensities.

In this photo you can see how the light of the sun make a rainbow. Also you can see how the bright of every color is protrudes.

This photo don't have the best quality, but I like the colors that the sun makes. Yu can see the closest side has a grey color with a little amber. But the far side have a red color that make the sky look like the hell.

This picture is pretty cool, because you can se how the sun reflection o the water makes like some of a bridge of light from over the water. Also you can see how are different colors over and under the sun.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Although not enough this photo was taken by a friend of mine in his car and has no type of filter. You can see how in the front of his car the sky is black, but in the back of his car the sunset is happening. Is cool how the light of the sun is not lighting on the front of his car.

This photo is pretty cool, because most of the time, when you have a backlight, you can't see the person that this light is focusing. In this picture you can see how a paper was used to take out this backlight, coming form the sun, and reduce the intensity, and you can see the person that is focusing.

In this photo, you can see how the sky is grey, but in the back side of the picture the sky is white. Is really cool, because it looks if like the sky is making a fade out with the sun.

In this photo we can notice different colors on the sky. We can see white, yellow, and grey. Also, we can notice how the light make us capable to see the heart that the clouds are making.

In this photo, I want to emphasize on the drums chair. You can see on the source light make a perfect shadow of the drums chair. It's look like I have to drums chair.

In this photo we can see how the sun makes different color on the sky. The colors that we can see are baby blue, yellow, amber, and grey. Also, we can notice some the sunlight is coming upside down.
This photo is a lamp, but this lamp is a little weird. How you can see, this lamp is making a fade out of the light when it is going up. Also you can notice that this lamp don't give much intensity.

In this photo we can see different colors of the sunset. We can see amber, congo blue, dark blue, and black. Is awesome how this colors are difference from the last post that I made.

In this photo we can how the sunset change the color on the sky. We can see the colors red, yellow, amber, blue, and grey. Also you can see how the color white is create when the sky is close to the sun.

In this photo we can notice that the moon is creating a ring around it. Also we can see different color on the sky. We can see amber, grey, and dark blue.
In this photo, the sunset give the sky different color. You can notice the colors dark blue, baby blue, cyan, yellow, amber, and white. Also, the makes the trees looks black.

The Reflection On The Cellphone

The other day I was driving my car, and my cousin had her cellphone over her legs. When the sun hits the cellphone's screen and reflect to me, and make me blind. Is interesting, because I felt like it was the sun hitting me in my eyes.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Reflect on camera

Today I was watching a TV show, and I noticed that on of the light reflect on the watch of one of the actress. The problem is that when the angle of the camera change, the reflection of this light made me to lost my attention on the scene because it was the inly thing that I was seeing on the screen.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

One Light Source, Different Colors

I took this picture on the parking on FSLive2. We can see in this picture that the sunset is occurring in this moment and the sun creates different colors. On the back of the picture we can see yellow, white, and orange. On the front you can see dark grey and light grey.

The Moon

In this picture we can see how the moon illuminates everything around and make the clouds most clear. We can notices, on the back, it sees like the sunset. The reflect that the moon creates on the water see like a bridge between I am standing and the other side.

The Liquids Change In Color

Today, I was doing my laundry and when I was taking some of the detergent on the cap, I noticed that the detergent was transparent. When I was putting detergent on the washer, I saw how the color change, in the air, to pink. Then I realized that the change was made thanks to the sun rays.

Color Changes

The other day, in the parking of FSLive2, I was 25 feet in front of my car. My car is red, and I noticed that where the noon sunlight was reflected in my car, the color change to magenta. For one minute I felt like my car was changing in colors.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Cross

Yesterday, I was a my friend house playing PS3, and when we shut down the system I noticed really weird reflect of the light on the T.V. The reflect was in a shape of a cross, and I noticed that the light was in direction to the T.V.


The other day in class, I saw the same light of the previous post, reflected on my phone. This reflect looks difference of the previous one, because this one have a rainbow around it. I think that this rainbow is caused by the material used to make touch screen phones.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Color Depends On The Angle

Today in class, I noticed that the lights in front of the screen reflects on the window. The interesting part is that the color change between the angles. When I was sitting, the color was yellow, and when I was standing the color changes to orange. I was amaze how the angle affects the color of the reflection.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lights in the eyes

Yesterday, I was watching a TV show, and when the host was talking, I noticed that she had the reflection of one of the lights that she had in front of her on her eyes. That cause me to lost my attention to what she was saying, and start to pay attention to her eyes.