Sunday, October 27, 2013

This photo was taken on a concert of Hillsong United. You can see how the color cyan protrudes the drum kit and not the drummer.

This photo is pretty cool, because you can see difference reflection of the sun. You can se the sun reflecting on the wing of the plane and on the drops of the rain.  Also the sky have difference colors.

In this photo you can see how the difference intensities protrudes the colors in the front. Also can see the white color in the sky.

In this photo you can see difference colors created by the sun. You can see red, yellow, white, amber, and grey. Also, you can see different intensities.

In this photo you can see how the light of the sun make a rainbow. Also you can see how the bright of every color is protrudes.

This photo don't have the best quality, but I like the colors that the sun makes. Yu can see the closest side has a grey color with a little amber. But the far side have a red color that make the sky look like the hell.

This picture is pretty cool, because you can se how the sun reflection o the water makes like some of a bridge of light from over the water. Also you can see how are different colors over and under the sun.